
A 10-Point Housing Plan

Housing Affordability

With a nationwide shortage of roughly 1.这使得美国家庭越来越难以负担购买或租赁住房的费用, NAHB provides this 10-point housing plan 通过消除阻碍新住房和公寓建设的障碍,帮助抑制住房通胀,缓解住房负担能力危机.

住房通胀——房租和房屋所有权成本——仍在以远高于5%的速度增长, and for the past year, 经济中超过一半的总体通胀是由于住房成本的上升. 有效遏制住房通胀的唯一方法——尤其是在抵押2021十大正规彩票平台和开发/建设2021十大正规彩票平台利率都上升的情况下——是建造更多可实现的住房, affordable housing.

各级政府的政策制定者都在想方设法为所有美国人提供更多负担得起的住房所有权和租赁住房的机会, NAHB提供了一个计划,概述了可以在当地采取的举措, 从州和联邦层面解决问题的根源——增加全国住房供应的障碍.

  1. Eliminate excessive regulations;
  2. Promote careers in the skilled trades;
  3. Fix building material supply chains and ease costs;
  4. 通过联邦税收立法,扩大经济适用房的生产;
  5. Overturn inefficient local zoning rules;
  6. Alleviate permitting roadblocks;
  7. Adopt reasonable and cost-effective building codes;
  8. 减少地方影响费和其他与住房建设相关的前期税收;
  9. Make it easier for developers to finance new housing; and
  10. 更新就业政策,促进灵活性和机会.

NAHB delves further into these issues below.

Printer-Friendly Version of NAHB’s Blueprint

Access a PDF of the 10-point plan.

Promotional Materials for HBAs


Housing regulations

Eliminate Excessive Regulations

监管成本占单户住宅成本的近25%,占典型公寓开发成本的40%以上. 各级政府都需要制定政策,以确保各机构考虑到法规对小企业的真正影响.

Workforce Development

Promote Careers in Skilled Trades

每月有近40万建筑工人短缺,建筑商需要增加2个.未来三年将新增200万工人,以满足需求. 政策制定者应支持为建筑行业教育提供资金,并为求职者提供更多的就业服务.

Material Costs

Fix Building Material Supply Chains

自疫情以来,建筑材料成本飙升了38%. Of particular concern, the price of distribution transformers is up 72%, and along with a severe shortage of transformers, this is delaying housing projects across the nation.





Overturn Inefficient Zoning Rules

低效的土地使用政策使得建设变得更加困难和昂贵. Localities need to rework ineffective zoning plans, and provide more options, such as reducing minimum lot sizes, 允许更多附属住宅单位和促进缺失的中间住房(例如.g., townhomes and duplexes).

Regulatory Barriers

Alleviate Permitting Roadblocks

各级政府的延期许可拖延了住房项目,提高了建设成本. 各地要优先考虑这个问题,避免审批过程中出现不必要的瓶颈. 一个简单的解决方案是限制政府批准或拒绝许可证的时间.

Energy Codes

Adopt Reasonable and Cost-Effective Building Codes

研究表明,建造到2021年IECC可以增加多达31美元,新房子的价格需要1000美元,并且购房者需要长达90年的时间才能实现回报. 这不是一个合理的权衡,也不会提供有意义的能源节约.

Impact Fees

Reduce Local Impact Fees and Other Upfront Taxes

住宅建筑行业同意,一些影响费是必要的,以弥补新住宅开发增加的公共服务成本. 然而,立法者必须公平地征收影响费,同时考虑到购房者的成本.

Money magnifying glass

Make it Easier for Developers to Finance New Housing

Fannie Mae, 应该鼓励房地美和联邦住房2021十大正规彩票平台银行支持二级市场&C融资,这将扩大建筑商增加住房供应的融资选择.


Update Employment Policies to Promote Flexibility

当前构建器确定工作状态的拼凑方法, calculating overtime pay and prevailing wages creates, 记录就业状况会造成不必要的负担,并阻碍住房生产.

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